Wednesday, December 10, 2008

To blog or not to blog..

I did like the blog assignments, they were fairly easy and gave the students an opportunity to score easy points. It may have been annoying to do and to remember but it was beneficial and offered the students an easy 20%. I'm not too sure that it allowed students to really communicate because I'm pretty sure that we only read others because we HAD to post comments to their entries. We did it just for the points, not really to soak in what they had to say. These blogs didn't help improve communication because again, we weren't really reading, we were just reading enough until we could formulate a comment.
Doing our own blogs, I felt like it made the students apply what they learned in the lecture with the class activity. I felt that was a real plus. One of my favorite is still "egg-cellent" way to plan. So I do feel like the blogs were beneficial in that way instead of having the students just do the activity and then not really have them analyze that. I'm just not too sure that making it mandatory to comment others had any real effect on anything.

I think you should keep the blogs as part of the class. Your tests can be tricky and some students don't like to speak out in class, so the blogs would definitely help boost their grade a little bit.

Honestly, I pretty sure that I'm not going to keep posting on this blog. I don't have much to really ramble about if there is no topic or if there is no reason for why I'm doing it. If people would like to communicate with me, Facebook me. :P


Hyun said...

Hey! Angela~
I am one of your line of left group.

You said that "Your tests can be tricky and some students don't like to speak out in class, so the blogs would definitely help boost their grade a little bit", I agree becuase I am one of them. Therefore, for me; the blog assignment was pretty good way for communication with classmates.

Happy holiday~~

Dmitry Altshuler said...

i agree the blog assignments were a good part of class. Not only is it a good way to boost up your grade a little bit, but it also made you think back of what we learned in class and analyze it, and then write about it which made it easier to remember the topics later on when we had to take the test.