Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Hmm... I, High S?

For my personality test, it said that I fell under "Influential". I don't think I fit ALL the criteria of a influence leader. Some of the points were correct; I do view everything optimistically and I do enjoy interacting with new people. I do love a free environment where people don't have as many restrictions and are free to get the job done in their own fashion. And I do need others who can concentrate more on the facts and the task itself, whereas I tend to get distracted and go off on a tangent. At the same time, although I do have most of the qualities of an influence leader, I'm not too sure if it is fit to be a leader... I am more easy- going about things, and I'm not that sure that it is good when it comes to being a leader.

I don't wish that I was another type, if anything I wish that I was MORE of an influence leader. The conscientious type seems too analytical for me and I am not that conceptual. I am definitely NOT the dominant type, I don't like to take charge and be responsible. I'm content with the results of the personality test.

I don't feel like this would help in other personal interactions because sometimes people don't always act the same way socially as when they are in the office. Some people are able to separate business from pleasure. Just because their eyes are set on climbing to the top doing cut- throat things, it does not mean that they are as demanding outside the office. I do believe that a personality type can be beneficial in learning where people are coming from but only if the potential employees are truly honest with the test too. Even as we were taking the test in class, I knew with my answers that I was not going to be a authoritative type of leader but I could have just fudged the answers to make it look better if I were trying to get a certain job.


foamyfox said...

Same as you, I am also the "I high S" type (and definitely not the dominant type). After knowing you since last semester, I think "I" accurately describes you since you are very friendly and optimistic. However, from my point of view, I thought you would also somehow have the "D" as well, since you seem very out-going and confident. I also agree on your point that people may not be the same socially and on the test; so this test may not be accurate enough to judge anyone.

The Thoughts of an Uninspired Serendipity said...

i think this test got you pretty well. you are pretty laid back and you definitely get side tracked very easily. i didnt really see the steadiness part on the fact that i havent seen you work well with others other than the people that you know, i thought like PV that there would be a bit of dominance, eh. well im done here...see you monday..

david song said...

Haha, I love how you explained the whole thing about being able to fake the personality test. It is so true, and happening all the time in the corporate world. I know so many people that live worlds apart with their work life and social life. For example, my sister got me an internship on her floor at her company, but in a different department. It was so weird because I saw a completely different person. Her speech, attitude, posture, well basically everything was different. For this reason, I also don't think this personality test will be so helpful in determining potential employees.

kristine-m said...

your "I" goes along with my "D".. maybe that's why we're buddies and you listen to what i say lots of the time because u are bad with tangents! the test may not have perfectly assessed you, but it definitely came close. it is good to have leaders with your "influential"-ness because otherwise you'd have dominant people like me running around trying to control everything.

and just so you know you would be that friend that tells me that i have a persuading problem!