Sunday, September 28, 2008


Our team started off pretty okay, I felt like it was an episode of Zoom from PBS. We knew the deadlines for planning and to actually build it and we knew the restraints were 8 straws and some tape. There were several ideas that were being thrown out; a cube, just building a barrier around it, and finally, the cylinder/hourglass look. Flaws were noted. The cube, we weren't too sure if we could do it. Just building a barrier around it, we were afraid 50% of the egg wouldn't be exposed. Finally, some member came up with the cylinder structure and we all agreed on it. The structure itself, seemed sound. The egg was basically hovering inside the cylinder and the straws on all sides of it would save it from impact. If it were to topple over in any direction during the fall, it would be okay because the other straws would keep it from touching the ground. It was very nicely guarded from any impact. The design was made and when it came down to actually constructing it, we had some leftover supplies that we ended up just taping onto the structure. And finally, Huevo was secured and ready to drop....
and did he survive?


All in all, I felt the group did a good job working together to help plan the successful drop of HUEVO. Everybody had a specific task and did it. In constructing it, we all had some part in building pieces that were later put together.

- the cheerleader <3

Saturday, September 20, 2008


What is bothering me righttttt this moment;

I'm flipping through my planner now trying to see what I have to do for the week and for the upcoming week for school and I keep seeing "Finance Group blah blah blah due" or "Marketing Group blah blah blah due". And so, I realized this is something that is a management-type problem and voila, here is my rant.

Have I tried to contact group members? Yes. My finance group is actually slowly coming together minus one individual ( who I know is in the class; I see that she signs the attendance sheet ). So, the group has made the primary decisions without her.

Marketing Group with Sajeesh:
The members have such conflicting schedules that make it nearly impossible to meet together which I can sort of understand but I see that the Marketing Milestone is due Oct. 20th. Professors should understand that their students do NOT all have the same time schedule. Yes, you are required to work in groups with big companies but the thing with that is you know they are going to be there everyday, probably 9-5 with you so you are able to work together on that project whereas with school, that is just not the case.

Not that I mind group work... it's just at this moment, I keep thinking about how I'm supposed to manage to get all 5 members from 2 different classes together when I can barely formulate one group to meet together to discuss the project. These projects count for a chunk of our final grade too.

Flustered, Yes. But bearable.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Hey there, fellow classmates! Name is Angela Ng and I am currently a junior majoring in Finance & Investments. Currently, I work in retail for Hollister Co. and I've been there since the summer I started college. It had flexible hours that was perfect for my transition to college and now I hope to break through into Corporate America and look for possible internships to see what exactly I want to make a career out of. Well, this semester, I'm taking more classes that are in the business field so hopefully, they will help to point me in the direction of what I'm interested in.

Other little tidbits:
I live in Staten Island and the commute is definitely a hassle but it's okay, only a year and a half left until I graduate. My family is really important to me, especially my dad who has given me everything to the best of his ability. Anthony, my little brother, also attends Baruch and is the brainier of the two and I adore him. In my spare time, I tend to hang out with my friends or my beau and eating always seems to be priority.
I'm pretty easy- going and it doesn't take a lot to amuse me.

Well, I guess that's it for now.
Until next time.

Angela Ng