Sunday, September 28, 2008


Our team started off pretty okay, I felt like it was an episode of Zoom from PBS. We knew the deadlines for planning and to actually build it and we knew the restraints were 8 straws and some tape. There were several ideas that were being thrown out; a cube, just building a barrier around it, and finally, the cylinder/hourglass look. Flaws were noted. The cube, we weren't too sure if we could do it. Just building a barrier around it, we were afraid 50% of the egg wouldn't be exposed. Finally, some member came up with the cylinder structure and we all agreed on it. The structure itself, seemed sound. The egg was basically hovering inside the cylinder and the straws on all sides of it would save it from impact. If it were to topple over in any direction during the fall, it would be okay because the other straws would keep it from touching the ground. It was very nicely guarded from any impact. The design was made and when it came down to actually constructing it, we had some leftover supplies that we ended up just taping onto the structure. And finally, Huevo was secured and ready to drop....
and did he survive?


All in all, I felt the group did a good job working together to help plan the successful drop of HUEVO. Everybody had a specific task and did it. In constructing it, we all had some part in building pieces that were later put together.

- the cheerleader <3


Albert said...

Well initially we were going to make a dome to protect the egg, however 2 members in our group jumped out of their seats and came up with an idea, a brilliant idea of making this fishing rod. lol At first we thought it was a dumb idea but we all came together and gave it a try. Ultimately it was a success.

Mike said...

First and foremost I would like to commend your group on coming up with a very innovative name "HUEVO". I thought it was one of the better ones in the class. I also like the fact that you guys went from one idea to the other until you found an idea that beat out the flaws of the prior ideas. I can see how you guys got from a cube to a cylinder. Our group had a few ideas that would have secured the egg with a barrier like yours but we ultimately went with the “yo yo egg”.

kristine-m said...

I agree with you that our team could have devised a Plan B, but hey we lucked out. Also I feel like we could have double checked the joints where the straws were bent.. and like you pointed out, we had plenty of extra supplies that we just added randomly.. but even after our random additions we had plenty more tape. I'm not complaining that we didn't do a good job because it was a proud moment for us all when you went first to drop that little bad boy. So cheers to us for the success, but for further projects let's think a little bit more ahead of the game.