Saturday, September 20, 2008


What is bothering me righttttt this moment;

I'm flipping through my planner now trying to see what I have to do for the week and for the upcoming week for school and I keep seeing "Finance Group blah blah blah due" or "Marketing Group blah blah blah due". And so, I realized this is something that is a management-type problem and voila, here is my rant.

Have I tried to contact group members? Yes. My finance group is actually slowly coming together minus one individual ( who I know is in the class; I see that she signs the attendance sheet ). So, the group has made the primary decisions without her.

Marketing Group with Sajeesh:
The members have such conflicting schedules that make it nearly impossible to meet together which I can sort of understand but I see that the Marketing Milestone is due Oct. 20th. Professors should understand that their students do NOT all have the same time schedule. Yes, you are required to work in groups with big companies but the thing with that is you know they are going to be there everyday, probably 9-5 with you so you are able to work together on that project whereas with school, that is just not the case.

Not that I mind group work... it's just at this moment, I keep thinking about how I'm supposed to manage to get all 5 members from 2 different classes together when I can barely formulate one group to meet together to discuss the project. These projects count for a chunk of our final grade too.

Flustered, Yes. But bearable.


Albert said...

Ahhh yes group work, where one person does all the work or one person in the group never does the work and gets credit. I understand this may be a frustration to you and to your other group members, however you should try to discuss this with your professor and I'm sure he/she will understand and give that person a BIG fat F or give it another try. Some people don't realize and don't care to do the work because they probably bailed out so many times that it becomes a habit.

I also understand that your Marketing Group isnt working out as well with the conflicting schedules, but thats something that shouldnt get in your way because if you want to get that good grade you should try to figure something else out. Try e-mailing everyone and ask them for their open schedules or how about having a conference call. I'm pretty sure you can work something out.

Well Good Luck with everything!

The Thoughts of an Uninspired Serendipity said...

i think that you need to contact your teacher and let him/her know that your group is having a hard time with the comflicting schedules. maybe they might let you switch groups...who knows? and as far as the no-show person i think that you should contact the professor and have them excluded from the group. im sure that your not the only group with that problem and your professor might even throw those people into one dysfunctional group. either way your situations will be easy to solve.
flustered but bearable...right?

kristine-m said...

Group projects are win / lose situations. You either get that great group that works together and is very considerate of each other's time OR you get the Hitlers, the dictators who believe its their way or the highway. As for you Marketing group, maybe it is best to communicate through e-mails and gather in that 25 period before or after the actual class to put it all together. I have the same class and the first milestone isn't as complicated as it seems.

I know for a fact that its hard enough to take care of yourself. So Miss Clown, juggling these two groups is going to be a challenge, but i'm sure you're smart enough to get through it!

Andrew Yuen said...

Group projects can be very frustrating. Usually there is more effort put into the group by one or two individuals than the others. I've done a lot of group projects myself in high school and college. This is my advice based on what I
had to do for my group project in my accounting class. I had very little time due for my project and no one had contacted each other. What I suggest is to designate a group leader. In my case, I was the group leader. I took it on myself to be the contact person for the entire group. I emailed everyone from the list on blackboard. Some responded and we created a plan to how to approach the project. We set a meet date that most people could make. Some people I could not contact. I looked up their name on facebook and myspace. I private messaged him to check him email and it worked. We met after the class for a quick 10-12 minutes because you know that everyone is going to that class. If you can't find a person, if it is a small class, you can ask around if they know that person. If you can't find time, you know everyone is going to the marketing class and meet quickly to assign parts to each person and make deadlines for each person.And those that can meet more often work together on the more important aspects of the project.