Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Hey there, fellow classmates! Name is Angela Ng and I am currently a junior majoring in Finance & Investments. Currently, I work in retail for Hollister Co. and I've been there since the summer I started college. It had flexible hours that was perfect for my transition to college and now I hope to break through into Corporate America and look for possible internships to see what exactly I want to make a career out of. Well, this semester, I'm taking more classes that are in the business field so hopefully, they will help to point me in the direction of what I'm interested in.

Other little tidbits:
I live in Staten Island and the commute is definitely a hassle but it's okay, only a year and a half left until I graduate. My family is really important to me, especially my dad who has given me everything to the best of his ability. Anthony, my little brother, also attends Baruch and is the brainier of the two and I adore him. In my spare time, I tend to hang out with my friends or my beau and eating always seems to be priority.
I'm pretty easy- going and it doesn't take a lot to amuse me.

Well, I guess that's it for now.
Until next time.

Angela Ng

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