Friday, November 7, 2008

Let's picture this....

The movie was cute in it's own oldies type of way trying to inspire it's audience and I suppose when it comes to dreams, there are a few that I have accumulated through the years:

1. Travel around Europe. It always seems like everybody after college always has some crazy road trip with their friends and it looks like an amazing experience, one that I would like to have myself. It would be nice to just wander around aimlessly with friends in a foreign place.

2. Law school has always been in the back of my mind. Too much Law& Order, I suppose but it has always been something that I would love to do. I guess that in high school, I pushed it aside to just pursue something that seemed more practical but after taking a couple of law classes at Baruch, it has stirred up some interest in law again. My professor now also has a bachelors in Finance and after that, he decided to go to law school so that is a possibility that I would like to see happen for me too. And he loves what he does

3. Within a year after graduation, I would hope to find a steady job that I'd like. I'm still not quite too sure a career in what yet but a fall back would to just stay at Abercrombie and become a manager until I find something more fulfulling. Then I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to move out. I do love my family but it's time to spread those wings and fly. Fly far away.

4. My dad currently owns his own mechanic shop / used car dealership and I would love to keep that running when he chooses to retire. He spent 16 years as a taxi driver to provide for his family and then he finally was able to go after his dream when I got into college to open up his own business and I would love to keep that alive for him. He worked so hard to get it, it'd be a shame to see it all go away when he gets too old for it.

One thing I should do is to become more organized with even something like time- management and budget to help get some of those dreams moving along.


MymanagersAgency said...

Hey Angela, girl your dreams are so exact. The road trip is a def. its something that you should experience and you'll have time for if you truly desire it. Focusing on where your career is going is always the way to keep your eye on the prize. You stated you work at Abercrombie, becoming a manager is not so bad. Just keep in mind, abercrombie does have a corporate office. If finance is your major you could even apply for a position within its finance department. Remember just always make the best of what you have. Keep your dreams and those of your loved ones close to you to give that strength to choose what is best for you. Good luck and youll see that trip might come faster than you anticipate.

Larisa said...

I think it's really great that you want to keep your dad's business running after he retires - although that seems like a bit of a responsibility I'm sure he'll really appreciate it. And I'd also like to encourage you to go after your "vision" of pursing cheesy as it sounds -the saying is true, if you enjoy your job you won't work a single day of your life. Good Luck!

DORIS said...

You should definitely go to Europe. My friends and i have been talking about it since high school. The only thing holding us back is money. Europe is crazy expensive, but can you really put a price tag on a once in a life time opportunity? So, ive been putting money aside each week in order to plan this extravagant vacation. Obviously that money is used in "emergencies" but a little bit is better than nothing =)